Chamber of Commerce
About Us
The Mankato Chamber of Commerce is an organization made up of business owners, entrepreneurs, and citizens in and around Mankato. Its goal is to provide representation to members in the form of leadership and volunteerism, as well as assisting its members in bettering their business within the community. The Mankato Chamber of Commerce prides itself on its efforts to make Mankato a better place to live by helping to improve our downtown business district, as well as volunteering in numerous events and activities throughout the year.
Our organization belongs to the Kansas Chamber of Commerce, the Kansas Secretary of State, North Central Kansas Tourism, and the Grizzly Pride.
Community Projects
Community Garden
City Wide Clean up
Jewell County Blood Mobile
Ute Theater
$300 Scholarship to a Rock Hills Senior
Downtown Trick or Treat
Free Hot Dog feed in conjunction with Homecoming
Free swimming during the Threshing Bee
Christmas Chamber Bucks giveaway
Santa's Workshop
Garage Sale Mall during the Highway 36 Garage Sale
Mother's Day Luncheon
Free swimming during Bike Across Kansas
Wheat Street & Commercial Street Christmas
National Child Safety Council