
Sweden Creme
610 E. South
Hours: 11:00 am - 9:00 pm Daily
(Closed Wednesdays)
Owners: Jewell Co Justified LLC
Voted Best Burger by US 36 Associaion
Voted Top 10 Fries in Kansas
Burgers - Chicken - Wraps
Salads - Brick Oven Pizza - Frappes - Ice Cream
Dine-in - Carry Out - Delivery
Find us on Facebook @swedencremeks

Lovewell Marina
2400 250 Rd
Webber, KS 66970
Hours: Open seasonally April - September
Owners: Aaron and Jana Coil
Bait & Tackle
Camping & Boating Supplies
Convenience Items
Website: http://www.lovewellmarina.com
Email: lovewellmarina@gmail.com
Find us on Facebook: Lovewell Marina & Grill

Nuthin' Fancy Bakery
105 E. Madison St
Hours: Friday through Sunday - 7:00 am - 1:00 pm -- beginning 10/24/24 we will also be open Thursdays!
Owner: Kelly Stafford
Donuts on Friday and Sunday!
Pastries, rolls, Kolaches, pies, cakes, and MORE!
Come see us for lunch on Thursdays & Fridays beginning 10/24/24!
Find us on Facebook: NuthinFancyBakery