Health Services

Owen Chiropractic, PA
201 N. Commercial
Owners: TJ & Jayme Owen
Hours: Tuesday 8:00-12:00 & Thursday 1:00-5:30
Website: http://www.owenchiro.com
Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/owenchiropracticpa

Creekside Counseling, LLC
108 S. High
Owners: Sara & Marc Grout
Hours: Flexible - changes based on client need
Clinical outpatient mental health services
Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100078086122716

Kueker Family Dentistry
123 N. Commercial

Pawnee Mental Health
122 W. Main Street
Mankato, KS 66956
Phone Number: 785-378-3898
Hours: Monday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Website: http://www.pawnee.org
Services Available: Mental health & susbstance abuse therapy, adult & youth community services, crisis services, recovery services, and telehealth therapy.
As the only Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic and Community Mental Health Center in our area, Pawnee is unique when compared to other mental health organizations, mainly due to our policy that all are welcome regardless of their insurance, status as a clent, or ability to pay.
We take pride in providing exceptional care and offer a full range of mental health, substance use recover, and crisis services for residents of 10 north central Kansas counties, with clients ranging from preschool children to adults of all ages.
Responding to needs, building healthy communities, and restoring lives are the hallmarks of Pawnee Mental Health.
Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PawneeMentalHealth

Jewell County Hospital and Rural Health Clinic
Hospital: 785-378-3137
Rural Health Clinic: 785-378-3511
100 Crestvue Ave.
P.O. BOX 327
Twelve Bed Rural Primary Care Hospital
32 Bed Long Term Care Units
6 Medical Apartments
Walking Trail
Website: http://jewellcohospital.org

Jewell County EMS
510 E North St.

Mankato Professional Pharmacy
125 N Commercial
Phone Number: 785-378-3183
Toll Free. 1-800-439-3184
Fax: 785-378-3809
(Mon-Fri) 9:00 - 5:30
(Sat) 9:00 - Noon
Services Available: Pharmacy, Durable Medical Equipment, Retail OTC & Gifts
Owner: Lyle Dauner, RP
Find us on Facebook!

Jewell County Health Department
102 S Center St.